Your IT and Network System often requires regular checks, updates, and new installations. Making sure your IT system is working and well maintained probably ensures the smooth running of your business.

At KingzonaTech, we offer our clients Hardware and Software services that are not only focused on simply checking that everything works well enough? and/or is up to date? But also we ensure that your IT systems and applications are without any fault since your business depends on them.

Therefore, Our Hardware and Software engineers ensures that your organisation is provided with an efficient and effective Hardware and Software solutions.

We do your Hardware and Software Installations.

Our trained and qualified Engineers ensures that we provide the clients with state of the art and reliable Hardware and Software procurement and installations.

Do your IT maintenance regularly.

A well-maintained system means your IT is secure and up-to-date. You can avoid costly downtime by regularly checking and updating your systems.

We check that your software licenses all up-to-date? Your anti-virus programme doing its job? Is it time to change passwords? Regular maintenance helps you know the answers to important questions like these and makes sure you are in control of your IT systems.

Draw up a schedule for your IT maintenance.

Break your schedule into daily, weekly, monthly and less-frequent tasks as it suits your business requirements and IT system in place.

The frequency depends on how critical the part is for the day-to-day running of your business. For example we check if you should back data up daily etc

 Software and hardware maintenance.

Both your IT equipment and the software you run requires regular checks.

For example, if you are a designer, your computer screens might need calibrating at specific intervals.

Automate as much as possible.

Some maintenance tasks can be automated, saving you time. You can schedule backups to run daily and set your security software to update regularly.

You only have to just make sure you check the automation is working.

Keep your documentation updated.

Keep a record of all software licenses plus renewal dates and the age of any hardware such as screens and keyboards.

This will help you identify when software or equipment should be upgraded or replaced.

Make monitoring part of your IT maintenance.

Knowing how members of staff use IT can help support how you maintain it.

For instance, if staff type a lot of reports, keyboards and mice might need replacing more often. Monitor and check hardware separately from software.

Check and maintain your security.

Online security threats can damage your business. As part of your IT maintenance, we make sure your firewall and security software are doing their jobs. Keep virus and malware scanners up to date.

Regular tasks don’t have to be too arduous as long as you stay on top of them. They don’t all have to be carried out by experts either. For instance, anyone can perform simple tasks like clearing the dust out of computer fans. Failing to perform regular maintenance can ultimately damage your business and equipments, so outsourcing maintenance to your IT supplier can be a wise investment.

At KingzonaTech Digital Solutions Ltd, this is How We Do It:

– Installation of Computer Infrastructures: Hardware, Software and Networks.  

– Troubleshooting: Repair, Maintenance of Hardware, Software and Operating Systems

– Provide customers with orientation and support to new use of existing technology.

– Ensure correct use of computer equipment and gadgets

– General System Architecture and Assembling, Sales and Accessories.

Contact us for review of your Business IT and Network needs and a quote.